Thursday, 6 February 2014

Take This Feather

I just finished reading "And The Mountains Echoed" by Khaled Hosseini, and was once again blown away by his brilliant storytelling.

Before I write and post the review, though, I wanted to share a poem I composed, inspired by this novel. Now, I know nothing about poetry, and what makes it good or bad, so I have no idea whether the following is good or not. But I like it, and that's a start.

"Take This Feather"

Take this feather, dear sister.
I have painted it with
The colours of my heart, the colours of my soul,
Which I know match yours.

Take this feather, dear sister.
It crosses continents,
Yields not to years,
Defies death.

Take this feather, dear sister.
A little piece of me,
For a little piece of you,
Hold on to it as we could not
Hold on to each other.

Take this feather, dear sister.
As the mind decays and memories fade,
This thing alone will last.
Know what was in my heart,
Since you took it in innocence.

1 comment:

  1. Wow becky! I think you should do a poem book next on the musings of the books you have read as this is an amazing poem!
